Exhibition History
Realtime/Interactive Media Production for Performance
- Utopia Parkway, Mendenhall Performing Arts Center, Northampton, Massachusetts, 2012.
- Utopia Parkway, Irey Theater, Boulder, Colorado, 2012.
- Oresteia, Austin Arts Center, Hartford, Connecticut, 2011.
- Cunningham’s MinEVENT, Mendenhall Performing Arts Center, Northampton, Massachusetts,2011.
- The Blogger Project, Freud Playhouse, Los Angeles, California, 2006.
Permanent Public Art Installations
- Aurora, El Segundo, California, installed 2013. (vision system for Electroland)
- Aether, New York, New York, installed 2012. (vision system for Electroland)
- Pulse, Los Angeles, California, installed 2009. (vision system and lighting control for Electroland)
- Drive By, North Hollywood, California, installed 2007. (vision system for Electroland)
- Target Interactive Breezeway, New York, New York, 2006. (vision system, ligting control, and junior designer for Electroland)
Art Shows and Exhibitions
- Instrument: One Antarctic Night , ANU School of Art & Design Gallery, Canberra, Australian. (Forthcoming)
- Sync(Emerge(Consciousness)), QUAD Gallery, Derby, United Kingdom, 2108
- SIGGRAPH Art Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, 2018. (Curated) Whorl, Chi’16 Catalog, 2016
- Whorl, UCLA Interpretive Media Lab at the Los Angeles State Historic Park, 2015 (Solo)
- LaSHIP Trails Opening, Los Angeles, California, 2014.
Expressive Visual Showcase, Anaheim, California, 2013.
Navilandia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012.
- Art + Science, Escondido Municipal Gallery, Escondido, California, 2011.
- Guinness Folly, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, California, 2010.
- Reflecting the Sacred, El Camino College Art Gallery, Torrance, California, 2009.
- MIRA 2008, Xiaman, China, 2008. (vision system, and UI contributions for Electroland)
- MIRA Pool, Xiaman, China, 2007. (vision system, and UI contributions for Electroland)
- Too Jewish-Not Jewish Enough II, Finegood Gallery, West Hills, California, 2007.
- Lumen, Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum Triennial, New York, New York, 2006 (vision system for Electroland)
- Rewind, New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, California, 2006.
- Second Natures, New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, California, 2006.
- Remote, ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara, California, 2006.
- Leonardo II, ACE2006, Los Angeles, California, 2006.
- SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, LA Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, 2005.
- Too Jewish-Not Jewish Enough, Gotthelf Gallery, San Diego, California, 2005.
- Dot-matrix, Apeejay Media Gallery, New Delhi, India, 2005.
- Too Jewish-Not Jewish Enough, Bell Gallery, Los Angeles, California, 2004.
- Within: From the Verandah: Art Presence and Buddhism, Fowler Museum, Los Angeles, California, 2003.
- Little Red, telic, Los Angeles, California (solo), 2003.
- Last: Design | Media Arts MFA Thesis Exhibition, New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, California 2002.
- Mixed Realities, Interaction Design Institute, Ivrea, Italy, 2001.
- ACM1: Beyond Cyberspace Exhibition, San Jose, California, 2001.
- SHIFT-CTRL: Computers, Games and Art, Beall Center, University of California, Irvine, California, 2000.
- Art Futura, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Seville, Spain, 2000.
- Ground Zero–Future Art, The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, California, 2000.
- Interactive Frictions, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 1999.
- SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, LA Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, 1999.
- Life Science, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria, 1999.
- Electronic Rituals, Intermedia Arts Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1999.
- Materiale/Immateriale, Cento Trevi, Bolzano, Italy, 1999.
- Art and Aesthetics of Artificial Life, ALIFE ’98, Center for Digital Arts, University of California, Los Angeles, California, 1998.
- SIGGRAPH Art Exhibition, Orlando Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, 1998.
- Doors of Perception 5: Play, Netherlands Design Institute, Amsterdam, 1998.
- Virtual Africa, Royal Museum of Central Africa, Belgium, 1998.